Saturday, December 13, 2014


You and your life have value. This holds to be true because Jesus Christ made it so. We have all equally come short of God's glory because we are sinners but Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us all to become valuable. And he did so because of love. An unconditional love that had no boundaries and no special circumstances. Because His love is unconditional and without boundaries we should not hold boundaries to ourselves. Because we are valuable in the sight of God already through the sacrifice of Jesus, we should not depend on what others say to us or what others consider us to be to give us worth or value.
What we possess and what actions we have taken does not determine our worth. Good deeds do not increase my worth. The use of foul language or the consumption of alcoholic beverages does not diminish my worth. Having a certain body shape or certain physical attributes does not increase or diminish value. Past life experiences, misguided decisions made- none of these things determine value. But it is Jesus that determines our value.
My value comes from my acceptance of what Jesus did for me and my life in correlation with my repentance from the things that caused Him to be sacrificed in the first place. I am by no means perfect and in some ways I am no better than I was before, but healing is a process, change is a process, Christianity is a process on a path that I have chosen to take for myself. We are special because we are valuable to God and not because someone else says that we are. And no one can take that away from us.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Christian Legacy: Greater In God

Life is about legacy. A Christian legacy is the sum total of the good that you have done for God, and others. No matter where you've been or where you are, there is no better time than the present to make life greater. Greater for yourself and greater for others. This can be achieved by anyone. Even in times of trial, a simple smile can go a long way. Something minute such as an action of seemingly no immediate value may help someone else. Do the math.

Legacy is part of God's plan for our life. If there seems to be distance from God it is not because He walked away, but rather it is because we walked away. But by grace, God does not hold a grudge. He is there to help us. All we have to do is take His hand and walk in faith with Him. He knows the plans that He has for our lives (there is a plan for everyone) and for we who believe in Him and the power in simply saying His name, He desires abundant prosperity(Jeremiah 29:11). He is Great and can make our lives even greater than what they are now. "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4) which means having God makes us greater than anything that is outside of ourselves.

We must leave a mark on the world. What will yours be? Hopefully it will be one that shows that you are hand in hand with God and His ways. A life that reflects the search to adhere to the ways of Jesus Christ. For it is He and He alone who is the Way the Truth and the Life. He is the only way to the Father. And with that access to to the Father we have unlimited access to power from the Creator; therefore, we obtain access to anything in existence that will assist us toward the achievements of an appropriate legacy to be left behind.

Our legacy should be a building block for others. Whether or not we try to leave a legacy, one will be left. So it is very important that we leave a legacy that is constructive and not destructive, focusing energies on those things that will build us as they may be the very things to build another. Perhaps important so because the inverse is true in the way of destruction. We are meant to grow in God and help others do so as well. That which is of God, is that which will build us up and make us greater, and through us make others greater, and through them make the world greater. Legacy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Let's Talk: Thank You

Thank You God for where I am. I am not where I could have been, so for such I say equally "Thank You" and "I'm sorry." There is so much more that could have been done. But I , in my stubborn human ways, fought You and Your will. I chose to be comfortable and not a Christian, popular instead of proactive. I said "I love You God," but didn't really understand the Words... until I felt them. Playing the part became so easy. I played it so well that I convinced even myself. 

Deception I became.

Deceiver I did serve. 

Ruined my life, my heart and soul. 

For You I lost my nerve.

Lord I want to make it up to You. For all that I should have done, please endow me with the Spirit, so as to complete the tasks designated for me. I should have been more for You, for others, and for myself. The damage caused by my leisure Christian life replays in my mind, because all of my decisions did not reflect the life of Christ. Had I made decisions regarding my walk with Christ, I would have made better choices and elevated others instead of potentially bringing them to transgression. 

Aside from such, the past is the past and can be used to learn valuable life lessons. I could continue to find reasons to say "I'm sorry", but " Thank You" deserves more energy. Father God, Your grace and mercy has caused me to have a life full of opportunities of which I am no more than unworthy to receive. There have been times that I, in my own stupidity, came close to destruction, yet You delivered me. You continue to make Your grace available, when my actions would call for the opposite to be so. So as I speak to You, I thank You. For Who You are; who You are making me to be; the very life that I live; the progressions as well as the hindrances; persons who would advance me as well as those who would do me harm; for all these I give thanks and gratitude for which I could never be ashamed nor could I deny. You, the Father of all, have taken a portion of Your ever precious time and not only made me, but You molded and shaped me. Fall fresh upon me Lord, and I will do what is desired of me, to the glory of Thine Holy Name, now and even until this vessel shall be no more! 

"Now unto Him, Who is able to keep you from falling, and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,

To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever.Amen." Jude1:24-25

Friday, October 17, 2014

Where Is the Church? (pt.1) Christian Duty

"We've got to go and be a witness
To save the lost and fallen from the hit list.
Get this, give them total Truth, so they never will forget this
And they can claim a place where Holy bliss is..."

It is the responsibility of believers to bring souls to Christ. It is our mandate from God. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus declares that if we follow him, He will make us fishers of men- seeking to bring souls to Christ. We have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God and given a new life as new Creatures. How dare we deprive an unbeliever of the same Christ who saved our wretched souls from a deserved punishment. Who are we to the unbeliever but one whom not so long ago was standing in the same guilty place yearning inside for the scent of atonement? 

"For all have sinned and come short of Gods glory." (Romans 3:23) Therefore, we by ourselves were not good enough. We were not deserving, except by Jesus interceding for us and enduring the Cross whereby we were saved. We are no better than anyone on Earth- man, woman, boy, girl, black, white, saved, or unsaved. We are not perfect. Yet He who was, and still is perfect, saved us. 

Nothing elevates one above another, therefore we are all equal. Sinners needing God's grace. There is no one sin greater than the others. Sin is sin, and if one keeps the Law of God and sin not, save one sin, he still transgresseth the Law. (James 2:10). This verse, in a way, puts us all on a level playing field- all sinners seeking God's grace. We, as Christians though, are to help align the minds of the lost to realize how they can be found, and given newness.

If we are privy to the knowledge of someone falling to sin, it is only our place to help them and not judge. Because the same standard of judgment that we use against them shall be therein used against us. 1 Peter 3:15-16 (KJV) tells us sanctify the Lord in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason  of the hope that is in you with meeknes and fear: Having a good conscience: that whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they might be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. The NIV translates this verse by saying to revere Christ, and be ready to explain why you have hope. But to do so with gentleness, respect, and a clear conscience. Thus, causing those who spoke evil against you to be ashamed. Also, doing so would make us like Christ in word and deed, and give a good testimony and example as to what really being a Christian is all about.....

(We will revisit this topic in part 2 of this series. Until then we would like to invite you to follow us on social media. Thank you again for reading and God bless!)

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Friday, October 10, 2014

Your Perfect Plan

Take my heart Lord, break and move,
Tried by fire, my love to prove.
Please remove what would be less
Than what should be or not my best.
With my heart Lord, take my mind,
Perfect peace in Thee to find,
For without it, I am lost
In life's billows, tempest tossed.
Let mine eyes see blessings shown,
As I am Yours and not my own;
Blessings pure and undefiled,
Promise given to me Your child.
Speak, O Lord, That I may hear,
Whisper peace to still my fear.
Words that hold Your Holy Power,
Day and night, be hushed no hour.
Take my life and every blunder;
Change me to a different man.
For I know You're awesome wonder;
Place me in Your perfect plan.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Let's Talk: Grace and Mercy

"Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."

Dear God, give me the strength for which I ask, that I may do Your will. I want You to dwell inside my heart Lord, because You inside my heart makes me greater than he who is in this world. There will be nothing that he can do to me to break me or take me from your glory. So it doesn't matter what he does to me or even what I do to myself. Because Your ways are so much greater, and You have more power than the devouring lion. So he may try but he won't break me. It won't matter what place he puts me in or what place I put myself in, but the place I find myself in when I look to You and I focus on You. I may not know what place that will be, but I do know that You will elevate me above what I can do. There i will keep my eyes stayed on you just like the trapeze artists focused to stay safe and secure.

And You promised to bless us Lord, as long as we turn to You and give You everything; as long as we repent and turn away from those things that would break us down; turn away from them and walk into the direction of something that will take their place. A positive for the negative, light for the darkness, good for the bad, strength for the weakness. All we need is Your strength Lord. Sometimes we don't have enough strength to make it through some of these things, but we have to remember to look to you for that strength and realize that we can't do this on our own.

You never said that it would be easy, but You did say that You would never put more on us than we could bare. Therefore, we should press on and know that means You are there for us no matter what. You've given us strength, and when we become weak and we don't see any hope, the truth still remains evident that You won't put more on us than we can bear. And if we get tired and don't think that we can go on; if our feet become buried while kicking through the sands of time or the road gets rough, You are there to pick us up in Your mighty yet gentle arms, and hold and carry us. As mighty as we think we are to carry so much weight on our shoulders, when we become weak, not only will you carry us, but you will carry our problems. If You don't get rid of them, You will decrease their impact in our lives. You said "Come to me, ye who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." 

So we look to You because You are THAT good. It's not because we deserve it-definitely not. But it's because You have chosen to give us what so many people talk about and so few understand until something happens- You have decided to give us Your grace and Your mercy. We deserve to die and forever be forgotten in the lake of fire and burn in hell. No sugar coating it. We deserve to be wiped from existence because we are dirty sinners. But the good thing is that Your mercy said "No! I made them. They are my children!" And You gave us the option and the will to choose. That's where Your mercy and grace falls into place. You gave us Your Son as a sacrifice. So instead of us dying, He died. His blood came from His body for us. His body was broken and torn for us. You gave Him as a sacrifice to suffer in our stead. What more could anyone do? You gave us life more abundantly so that we could actually live longer in the sense that actually matters. You are great for that! And that is a clear example of Your grace.

 You continue to give to us what we don't deserve (Your grace and mercy), as if we have deserved it the entire time. I didn't deserve it. No one living on this earth deserved it, but you still give it to us. And you're not asking us to do anything that is difficult. You are only asking us to do as we should do anyway, by showing gratitude and praise, and realizing that You didn't have to show us favor but You did. And You are only asking us to turn to You, and that is not difficult. There are people in this world that would ask us to do things far more difficult, maybe things that we should never be asked to do. But You asked us to calm ourselves, look inside our hearts, and just be still and focus on the things that we should want to focus on anyway-things that are positive.  Positive things like You, Your grace and mercy, which have been evident in our lives from birth and will be evident until the day that we die. 

Everyday You show grace. Food on the table is Your grace. Use of our limbs is Your grace. The song in our heart that we sing is Your grace. Even the hardships that we face are grace, because we can learn from these hardships and then give a testimony that someone needs, while being Your ambassador. I do not claim to be perfect. I have made mistakes. Some things that I am not proud of. There have been some evils in my life that have grabbed me and embraced me. There have even been some evils in my life that I have embraced myself. But the good thing is that I can learn from it. I'm sorry for those things, and that gives me the opportunity to look back and ask You God to have your way in my life with those situations and to forgive me and teach me not to do those things again. Give me the strength not to do those things again and therefore become a living testament and testimony to someone else as a living encouragement, because You are a living God. I know this because I see You and feel You in my heart. I see Your goodness that You've given me because it is so much. It is Your grace I see in everything. We don't deserve it but You give it to us. Your grace and your mercy.  

Anytime that situations get rough we should look to You. All of us. Because going through some things or being tested doesn't mean that we are being punished. It may be difficult to related this to anything less than punishment or torture perhaps, but there is always some good that can come through the cloud of uncertainty. There is always something that can be taught or learned, because tests bring testimonies. We should look to You in faith and know that we will be renewed. We should run with faith in our own respective races of life, and know wholeheartedly, and with confidence, that Your grace and mercy has provided an avenue of peace and reconciliation, that we may come to You via the Gift of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Knowing God and His Promises

As I rose one morning, I felt a certain uneasiness- physically (probably due to sleeping wild) and also spiritually. Being a human being, living in a tangible world, I began running down a list of things that would have my mind uneasy as I was sleep. Some matters of the past came to mind as well as new ones. So instead of dwelling on what made or caused the unrest I began searching for peace. The first thing that I did was listen to songs that were sent to me after choir rehearsals by the director. But I felt a conviction coming over me. This feeling was introduced to me by Pastor Bonita Cain who at the time also directed me to Psalms. So as I did then I also did again. I took up my Bible and read as I listen to classical piano selections. I felt that Psalms was a perfect choice seeing as how David, the great king, shepherd, and psalmist found himself in the same distress as myself.
During distress it is important first to keep ones head, so to speak. In all things, good and bad, we must remember that we can go to the Rock. David did so and was not as concerned about what was going on around him as much as God's promises. Because David had already experienced God's wonderful promises, during the times in which there were men seeking to kill him, David was giving God praise. It would have been easy for him to give up and speak anything but praise to God but he knew that if God rescued him from danger, unease, and distress once before, then He would do it again. David knew that God would keep his word. "Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you." Psalms 2:8-9 says, "Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."

If we serve the Lord with faith and fear he will not only deliver us from our enemies, problems, and obstacles, but He will give them to us that we may destroy them. The amazing realization in this revelation is that God, He who created all things, hears us! We lowly, who deserve nothing less than the full extent of God's wrath and chastisement, are heard! If we seek Him and turn away from the counsel of the ungodly we will be blessed and heard. If we turn away from the ungodly we are godly. David says in Psalms 4:3, "But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself. The Lord will hear when I call into him." 2 Timothy 2:9 says, "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his. And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." Also we find in John 10:14 and 27 Jesus says,

"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine."
"My sheep hear my voice,and I know them, and they follow me."
In these verses, these instances show a proof or validation of a relationship. A relationship between a Shepherd and His sheep; the Lord and those that claim the name of Christ; David and God. Simply put, if we turn away from that which is ungodly, that which is not of God, and we claim the name of the Shepherd, claim the name if Jesus Christ, then if we cry out to Him, or we ask of Him, He will hear us!

There is another promise fulfilled also. Verses 14 and 27 speak of the relationship, but verses 15 and 28 speak of what manifests as a result of the relationship. These verses state respectively, "As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. And I give unto them Eternal Life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand."

In closing, I would like to refer to Isaiah 53:4-6. "Surely He hath bourne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on
Him the iniquity of us all."

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Blessings (pt. 2): Faith During Patience

Sometimes, in regards to blessings, we have to accept God's "there and then" instead of impatiently reaching for the "here and now." Gods timeframe and ours are vastly different. ("To Him a year is but one hour."-Marvin Sapp.) If we should become impatient, perhaps then we should consider having more faith and look toward the Bible to give examples of having and retaining faith while waiting on what is promised. Abraham was told that his loins would produce a great nation innumerable as the stars in the sky. It would take until the adulthood of his son for this to manifest. What God promises to you He will deliver. This is the time when our faith must be unshakable. For the enemy knows what is promised you and will stop at nothing to discourage you into cursing yourself away from the birthright of they that follow Jesus. "...that you may have life and have it more abundantly."-John 10:10.

Faith keeps us stayed on Him. A belief with no proof (faith) in that which is not seen (God), with patience and action will in time manifest itself into blessings. And at that moment we, the believers, must give praise and honor to God, as is our duty. Great things happen to believers as well as unbelievers, but it is our responsibility to acknowledge where these "good happenings" come from. Spread the Word to all. "The testing of your faith produces patience.-James 1:3. I heard it said that Gods delay is not His denial. God wants to bless us...abundantly. But we must have actively working faith, be ready to receive, and then give thanks and due praise to Him.
Be blessed and be a blessing!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Blessings (pt.1): Patiently Waiting

"I thought I had it planned out, a smile that made me stand out
With happiness that wasn't due to me, now I'm a man down."
These are the lyrics penned by myself during a trying time of spiritual transition. Many of us know of God but we don't KNOW Him. It is because of this that we must learn of Him and His ways by experiencing Him up close. We are thus put into a position to be pruned by our Gardener. We are His beautiful creation. He has sustained us and made us to grow and must prune us. It is said that the gardener is always closest to his plants when he is pruning. Therefore, in times of transition toward our blessings, God must remove people, characteristics and attitudes, mentalities, or anything of the sort that would hinder or prove to be unproductive. Yet remember. This is the time when He is closer to us. Perhaps to get a better look.
The Heavenly pruning yields a stronger Christian with eyes and hearts open to the possibilities of an All-Powerful Provider. Blessings will be easier attained as ones mind is more stayed on the Father. But these blessings are dispersed in the time frame and leisure of He who has planted us.
If we reach for that which puts a sparkle in our eye simply because we feel that we are ready or even more boldly, we feel it is due to us because of some arrogant distorted reasoning, we run a terrible risk of being instead cursed and our pathway toward blessings being tainted. A blessing from God has no strings attached, in that there is no compromising, just reception. Should a blessing feel that maintaining it causes questionable reciprocity via actions or thoughts, then sadly it is not a blessing.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Deception and the Truth

The deceiver is powerful. He has used his power to toppled many who have fought in yet the same fight as we- life. Breaking us down at our base for he knows that to do so will cause all else to experience his chaos and havoc with no falter and cause even the slightest of pressures to collapse the mind with the greatest of ease. Strong morals, Christian-based integrity and all characteristics of the same sort seem nill toward the cause of keeping a sound mind. But you MUST. Keep unto you a sound mind, for to do it not is to condemn your legacy and life's work to be tainted at the leisure of the dark one. Be heavy in your discernment, for too light a consideration in all matters leaves the doors to deception opened wide. Be sure to discern not only firmly, but most importantly, in the Spirit of God. As it is glorious to have sound mind and a compassionate heart, they both remain succeptable to the swift snares of the deceiver flung toward us liken to a dark arrow dipped in the lies and untruths devised by he who would desire nothing more than to see us fall. Perhaps doing so by the convincing offer which causes one to covet the bitter taste as though it were sweet, creating an addiction for the forbidden. The offer to be human. The offer to feel satiation where there is depravity; sight when blind, shade when scorched, speach when dumb. It is greatly pertinent to stay in and of oneself and remember that he, the deceiver is just that. Commit this to memory and forget it not, for he surely won't.
For as much strenghth that the deceiver has or rather would have it appear to be pressed upon you, it is not the will of the Father that you should fall. For this world and all thereof is His. By His hand was all made and by His Love it is HE, and not the deceiver, who has claim of us. He is the Truth. He is Love. He is Good. Therefore as He reaches to us we should seek for Him that we might receive Him. And thereunto, receive we Truth, Love, and Goodness. All these be the true desires of the heart. Upon these be the determining factors of ones rise or fall. Be ye drawn to them all together for the lack of solidarity is as the cooking pot being denied the stir if the spoon. For whatsoever ye are in search of actively, that shall one become even if only during the search. Where your focus is, there will your map be drawn to follow. But in all things seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Surely, abundantly, pressed down, and overflowing.
All things of darkness are so due to the lack of something, and light is the presence of. Where there is Light no darkness can be. Darkness is weakened in the presence of Light.