Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Blessings (pt. 2): Faith During Patience

Sometimes, in regards to blessings, we have to accept God's "there and then" instead of impatiently reaching for the "here and now." Gods timeframe and ours are vastly different. ("To Him a year is but one hour."-Marvin Sapp.) If we should become impatient, perhaps then we should consider having more faith and look toward the Bible to give examples of having and retaining faith while waiting on what is promised. Abraham was told that his loins would produce a great nation innumerable as the stars in the sky. It would take until the adulthood of his son for this to manifest. What God promises to you He will deliver. This is the time when our faith must be unshakable. For the enemy knows what is promised you and will stop at nothing to discourage you into cursing yourself away from the birthright of they that follow Jesus. "...that you may have life and have it more abundantly."-John 10:10.

Faith keeps us stayed on Him. A belief with no proof (faith) in that which is not seen (God), with patience and action will in time manifest itself into blessings. And at that moment we, the believers, must give praise and honor to God, as is our duty. Great things happen to believers as well as unbelievers, but it is our responsibility to acknowledge where these "good happenings" come from. Spread the Word to all. "The testing of your faith produces patience.-James 1:3. I heard it said that Gods delay is not His denial. God wants to bless us...abundantly. But we must have actively working faith, be ready to receive, and then give thanks and due praise to Him.
Be blessed and be a blessing!

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