Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Blessings (pt.1): Patiently Waiting

"I thought I had it planned out, a smile that made me stand out
With happiness that wasn't due to me, now I'm a man down."
These are the lyrics penned by myself during a trying time of spiritual transition. Many of us know of God but we don't KNOW Him. It is because of this that we must learn of Him and His ways by experiencing Him up close. We are thus put into a position to be pruned by our Gardener. We are His beautiful creation. He has sustained us and made us to grow and must prune us. It is said that the gardener is always closest to his plants when he is pruning. Therefore, in times of transition toward our blessings, God must remove people, characteristics and attitudes, mentalities, or anything of the sort that would hinder or prove to be unproductive. Yet remember. This is the time when He is closer to us. Perhaps to get a better look.
The Heavenly pruning yields a stronger Christian with eyes and hearts open to the possibilities of an All-Powerful Provider. Blessings will be easier attained as ones mind is more stayed on the Father. But these blessings are dispersed in the time frame and leisure of He who has planted us.
If we reach for that which puts a sparkle in our eye simply because we feel that we are ready or even more boldly, we feel it is due to us because of some arrogant distorted reasoning, we run a terrible risk of being instead cursed and our pathway toward blessings being tainted. A blessing from God has no strings attached, in that there is no compromising, just reception. Should a blessing feel that maintaining it causes questionable reciprocity via actions or thoughts, then sadly it is not a blessing.

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