Saturday, August 19, 2017

Christian Legacy (pt.2): Evangelism and Discipleship

One of the most important things in life that we can leave is our Legacy. Not money, and not things,  but that which is of positivity and a testimony that will point others in the right direction and how to live life. We are instructed in the Bible, as Christians, to go to all nations, not a few, but ALL nations and teach the gospel (Matthew 28:19-20) so that everyone can hear the truth that was given us by Jesus Christ’s example. Everyone needs to hear about this truth but there are few laborers. The Lord tells us that there is a need for laborers and there are many with the call, yet few answer (Matthew 9:37-38). When we answer the call, we must be prepared for the questions, the slandering, and the comments that are made against religion and even those that will inform others who simply do not know. For this, we must look to the Bible as a resource and study to show ourselves approved that we will have the confidence enough to influence and help others determine what is the truth. We must know what we are talking about, and declare it with no shame (Romans 1:16), not only so that others will be as confident in what we say as we are, but more so, that they will receive the Holy Spirit.

What we do in front of others becomes a light that will draw them to us; therefore, we should draw them to us with the truth and positivity and not the things of this world. For what we are doing is trying to convince them to turn away from the enemy. Because the enemy rules this world and keeps everyone in darkness until they are awakened by someone or something that is of God. It is very vital that we do this and convince all that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), meaning there is a consequence to everything that we do, and if it is not for God, then it is for the devil and as such the punishment is death.

So we as ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) should take up that mantle and make sure that we are ready to teach others and push ourselves to bring them to the Way of the Lord. Bring them to Jesus Christ so that He will permeate their lives and their testimony. We must teach all that God the Father sent his Son Jesus Christ to die for us, but we have to repent, (which is admitting our sin and turning away from it), and then accept Jesus Christ and his ways by faith, and know in our hearts that way will lead us to God the Father the Holy Spirit and Heaven. God's gift to us was Christ and this gift was given in love. As servants and disciples of God, we must evangelize and tell others about this so as to solidify our own Christian Legacy.

We pray blessings upon all who have read. We invite you to follow us on social media as well! Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

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