Monday, May 15, 2017

Womanhood: Professing Godliness

Throughout history we have been given definitions of what and who a woman should be. Celebrities, news anchors, politicians, teachers, moguls, and even preachers tell us what a real woman is. But unless these people derive their opinions from a Biblical basis, they and all who follow them are sadly mistaken and do not know the truth. Proverbs 31 gives examples of some of the workings of a woman. She fed and clothed her household and was respected by her children. She was called blessed by her family.

1 Timothy 2: 9-10 said in regards to her appearance, that she "adorned herself in modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but with good works (which becometh women professing godliness.)"
She dresses such that her clothes, hair, and jewelry do not take precedent for her or others with whom she comes into contact, over her dedication to God. And to be clear, the text warns of the unnecessary focus and not against the action of her adorning herself. Shamefacedness means being modest while showing reverence to God and self-control. Therefore, she would have regard for her husband or father and not want to shame him because her head is her father or her husband, and his is Christ, and Christ's is God. Following this line, to respect herself would be honoring her father or husband, then Christ and then, above all, God. Doing so makes her “the glory of the man.”

In regards to sobriety, this simply refers to control over the desires of the flesh dealing with promiscuity. So, in this instance, such as in sobriety referring to alcoholic beverages for example, she would be “fighting the urge” of promiscuity and not allowing it to control her thoughts of the flesh before those thoughts of God.

These examples of what a woman should be, can also refer in some regards to us as Christians toward the Lord Jesus Christ. In a long line of what we should and should not do, these have strong bases. However, these are not the only things that we as Christians, or in this regard a woman, should take into consideration. There are other things that are important and in time we will review those things….

We pray blessings upon all who have read. We invite you to follow us on social media as well! Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

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