Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Christ's Compassion (pt.3): Acting Out Love

The greatest aspect of Jesus's compassion could be perhaps his actions taken to help others. When suffering was around him, his love caused him to act (Feeding the hungry multitude and restoring sight to the blind). As Christians, we must realize that our Christianity is a decision to follow Jesus Christ. In that, we should, at any given opportunity, do what Jesus did. Simply making decisions to be a better person is not enough;it is only the beginning. And in actuality, we should enter into this Kingdom life with others in mind. Jesus exemplified this attitude to the letter. The J.O.Y. acronym defines this for the Christian perfectly- Jesus, Others,and Yourself.

Ephesians 4:32 says, And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Jesus did this. This is another example of compassion exemplified by Christ because He himself was kind to all people. Even when some were not kind to him, once again, He saw the grip of darkness on their hearts and showed compassion and challenged that darkness by showing a positive attitude. He thought about others and their infirmities rather than how much He deserved praise or respect. He knew who He was and that was enough to secure him in his mission for God the Father and not allow him to be swayed. Yes, He was perfect, but we too can embark on a mission for God and find a strong security. We have but to submit to Gods will for our lives and pray to God when we need help, which Jesus did also.

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