Sunday, January 15, 2017

Renewed (pt.3): Prepared for God's Will

God can and will renew our strength because in doing so we are prepared to do His will. God will not send us out to do any task ill-prepared or without the proper tools. Romans 12:2 says And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. One definition of the word transform is retool. Adhering to the social mindset or standards of the world disarms us, for in this instance, we are becoming part of what we should be avoiding or even fighting. But if we change our thoughts to desire fulfilling the works of God, we will be retooled and once again be prepared to move forward in God.
There is no situation that could keep us from being renewed. The broken and the weak are still capable of the redemption and transformation of God. There are many in the Bible who were broken and weak but became whole and become kings queens, advisors, and chosen people.  It is when the decision to put God first is made, that we will be changed into the person that God will have us to be. He has placed everything, and even everyone that we need in our lives.
We are never disqualified from God's grace or mercy. Though we do not deserve it by any means, the price was paid so many years ago, all flaws considered, all words considered, all acts, all thoughts, all sins considered. To receive change we must seek change. Renewal, revitalization, regrouping-a great restart for the day, year, or life in general begins with God. We are His children and He loves us and wants us to be successful. He wants us to know that we can come to him to ask for the tools necessary to grow spiritually.
I pray that this has been a blessing for all who have read. Join us on social media for more ministries and worship.
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