Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Let's Talk: Thank You

Thank You God for where I am. I am not where I could have been, so for such I say equally "Thank You" and "I'm sorry." There is so much more that could have been done. But I , in my stubborn human ways, fought You and Your will. I chose to be comfortable and not a Christian, popular instead of proactive. I said "I love You God," but didn't really understand the Words... until I felt them. Playing the part became so easy. I played it so well that I convinced even myself. 

Deception I became.

Deceiver I did serve. 

Ruined my life, my heart and soul. 

For You I lost my nerve.

Lord I want to make it up to You. For all that I should have done, please endow me with the Spirit, so as to complete the tasks designated for me. I should have been more for You, for others, and for myself. The damage caused by my leisure Christian life replays in my mind, because all of my decisions did not reflect the life of Christ. Had I made decisions regarding my walk with Christ, I would have made better choices and elevated others instead of potentially bringing them to transgression. 

Aside from such, the past is the past and can be used to learn valuable life lessons. I could continue to find reasons to say "I'm sorry", but " Thank You" deserves more energy. Father God, Your grace and mercy has caused me to have a life full of opportunities of which I am no more than unworthy to receive. There have been times that I, in my own stupidity, came close to destruction, yet You delivered me. You continue to make Your grace available, when my actions would call for the opposite to be so. So as I speak to You, I thank You. For Who You are; who You are making me to be; the very life that I live; the progressions as well as the hindrances; persons who would advance me as well as those who would do me harm; for all these I give thanks and gratitude for which I could never be ashamed nor could I deny. You, the Father of all, have taken a portion of Your ever precious time and not only made me, but You molded and shaped me. Fall fresh upon me Lord, and I will do what is desired of me, to the glory of Thine Holy Name, now and even until this vessel shall be no more! 

"Now unto Him, Who is able to keep you from falling, and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,

To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever.Amen." Jude1:24-25

Friday, October 17, 2014

Where Is the Church? (pt.1) Christian Duty

"We've got to go and be a witness
To save the lost and fallen from the hit list.
Get this, give them total Truth, so they never will forget this
And they can claim a place where Holy bliss is..."

It is the responsibility of believers to bring souls to Christ. It is our mandate from God. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus declares that if we follow him, He will make us fishers of men- seeking to bring souls to Christ. We have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God and given a new life as new Creatures. How dare we deprive an unbeliever of the same Christ who saved our wretched souls from a deserved punishment. Who are we to the unbeliever but one whom not so long ago was standing in the same guilty place yearning inside for the scent of atonement? 

"For all have sinned and come short of Gods glory." (Romans 3:23) Therefore, we by ourselves were not good enough. We were not deserving, except by Jesus interceding for us and enduring the Cross whereby we were saved. We are no better than anyone on Earth- man, woman, boy, girl, black, white, saved, or unsaved. We are not perfect. Yet He who was, and still is perfect, saved us. 

Nothing elevates one above another, therefore we are all equal. Sinners needing God's grace. There is no one sin greater than the others. Sin is sin, and if one keeps the Law of God and sin not, save one sin, he still transgresseth the Law. (James 2:10). This verse, in a way, puts us all on a level playing field- all sinners seeking God's grace. We, as Christians though, are to help align the minds of the lost to realize how they can be found, and given newness.

If we are privy to the knowledge of someone falling to sin, it is only our place to help them and not judge. Because the same standard of judgment that we use against them shall be therein used against us. 1 Peter 3:15-16 (KJV) tells us sanctify the Lord in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason  of the hope that is in you with meeknes and fear: Having a good conscience: that whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they might be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. The NIV translates this verse by saying to revere Christ, and be ready to explain why you have hope. But to do so with gentleness, respect, and a clear conscience. Thus, causing those who spoke evil against you to be ashamed. Also, doing so would make us like Christ in word and deed, and give a good testimony and example as to what really being a Christian is all about.....

(We will revisit this topic in part 2 of this series. Until then we would like to invite you to follow us on social media. Thank you again for reading and God bless!)

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Friday, October 10, 2014

Your Perfect Plan

Take my heart Lord, break and move,
Tried by fire, my love to prove.
Please remove what would be less
Than what should be or not my best.
With my heart Lord, take my mind,
Perfect peace in Thee to find,
For without it, I am lost
In life's billows, tempest tossed.
Let mine eyes see blessings shown,
As I am Yours and not my own;
Blessings pure and undefiled,
Promise given to me Your child.
Speak, O Lord, That I may hear,
Whisper peace to still my fear.
Words that hold Your Holy Power,
Day and night, be hushed no hour.
Take my life and every blunder;
Change me to a different man.
For I know You're awesome wonder;
Place me in Your perfect plan.