Saturday, March 31, 2018

Out Hearts In Sync With God pt.2: Made Whole

Our relationship with God revolves around his love for us. All that has been done for us has been out of love from His heart. This must have been extremely difficult in light of the fact that we are unworthy and imperfect, while He is perfect in this love and in all things. It all stems from the desires of the heart. Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked…” and God the Father, our  Divine Parent, sees it all. He sees man at his core and knows that the “imaginations of the thoughts” are evil daily (Genesis 6:5, 1 Chronicles 28:9).
But not only is this evil seen by God on this “unseen level” of the heart, but by careful observation and listening, we too can determine the status of others and even ourselves. One's actions and words reflect what is on their hearts. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34) and it is because of this that man, in his carnal nature, is “defiled” (Matthew 15:18). This means that man’s potential is tarnished, or ruined; he is weakened. We may not even notice this, as what we do in the flesh becomes so natural and accepted that we see even good actions as being right. But God ponders the heart and sees the true intentions behind these “good deeds”, which then determines whether or not they are righteous. Even so, in these moments of weakness, as said in Psalm 27:14, if we “wait on the Lord and be of good courage, He will strengthen our heart,” and this will in turn place hearts on a pathway to be established in a foundation of being unblameable. This new found strength reverses the effects of being defiled; we will be renewed and cleaned. Then, if we seek him, He too will seek us, and hold us close unto himself. He will give us a new heart and we shall be his people and his children, as our heart has been made whole.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Our Hearts In Sync with God

Sometimes in life we find ourselves taking an inventory of who we are and what we have become, only to realize and, perhaps reluctantly, define ourselves as someone with whom we are not familiar. And if we are completely honest with ourselves, our demeanor and response to situations and people, how we think and perceive, what we say and decide to do, is all a reflection of our relationship with God and how in sync our heart is with him. Being out of sync creates confusion and provides an open gateway, an uninhibited pathway to carnage and utter chaos in our lives. If a computer is out of sync with its software, it will loop or freeze, unable to find what it needs to proceed, all the while being rendered useless. And so we too, like the computer can not proceed and access all potential growth without being in sync, rendering our lives, our witness, our testimony useless. But the great news is that, a pause is not the end. At times, what we see as an the end of our story is just God pausing to edit the story. And if we will just be patient and have faith, we will hear him telling us to simply turn the page and therein see a new chapter.
The familiar verses from Proverbs 3:5-6 say "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Our faith in God should allow us to trust him enough to follow him without question, and make his ways ours. If we can let go of the reins long enough, God will work in our lives and situations, syncing us to his will and we will see and know that He has his hands on our circumstances.

Its all about our hearts. Seeking to be in sync with the desires and wants of God for our life. Being what and who He would have us to be. But no matter the appearance on the outside or what we say even to ourselves, if we do not truly seek to become in sync with God in regards to our hearts, all will be for naught. This transformation has to be a desire that one feels an absolute need to achieve, while understanding that sacrifice is essential, yet worth it. Colossians 1:10-11 sites good reason for being in sync with God. "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;  Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness."
The key points in this verse reflect some amazing happenings to look forward to when we are in sync with God. Being worthy of God, fully pleasing to him, being fruitful, increasing, strengthened... Considering God and putting him first transforms our heart from carnal desires to His Holy fulfillment. This aligns us with God and causes us to walk the path of godliness with patience. To align oneself with him is to align themselves with infinite possibilities and blessings.