Sunday, November 6, 2016

Judge Not

"Judge not, that ye be not judged." -Matthew 7:1

To judge someone is to form an opinion about them or to come to a firm conclusion. Judgement tends to be dangerous because it is not always based on factual information but “formed opinions” which could very well be wrong. And furthermore, others may translate the opinions as fact. The truth is that we should not judge anyone. Our human minds are flawed and incapable of fair discernment. Only God can and will judge perfectly.
In the gospels, Jesus clearly says that whatever criteria you use to judge someone, you will be judged  in the same way. Opinions about people are translations of temporary encounters, and unless we know all the events and thoughts of a person, there is no acceptable criteria for judgement. Therefore, instead of addressing questionable situations with judgement, let us use the well-known “Golden Rule”and treat all people as we would like to be treated [Luke 6:31].
In addition, we should treat others as our brothers and sisters, and seek not to put a stumbling block [that the limitations from judgement cause] in their way. Instead, we as Christians should realize that we all will have our day of judgement with the only True and Fair Judge. And on that day we all will have to give account to God for our actions and thoughts, good or bad [Romans14:12-13].

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