Friday, September 9, 2016

Train Up A Child

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6    

Children must be trained during a young age. Having taught young children, I've seen how important the responsibility of this is. The mind is most impressionable in childhood; therefore, it is crucial that our young are not only exposed to, but strictly held to the standards of God's way. Hard is the recovery of one who wavers from the way of the Father. So if we truly prepare them early, then they are much more likely to adhere to God.

As with athletic training, the process may be anything but comfortable at times, but looking ahead to what lies before us will reveal a better life, because we are in actuality reaching out to God and seeking to draw nigh high to him, the results of which will draw God closer to us. Through the hard times perseverance will strengthen us for the the next situation, and build “thicker skin” toward adversity and adversaries. Our young are constantly facing new challenges without the proper weaponry, but if they are prepared they will know not to look for man-made solutions to  man-made problems.

We as Christians, must tell and show our children that they are special. But we must do so before they are too exposed. Exposed to the world's definition of special, because they are definitely different. The love of God and his mercy bestowed upon us makes us special. When it is finally realized how much an honor it is to know God, then it will be self explanatory how this is so. To give the life of his child for the life of another who is undeserving is quite a feat in itself, but to then offer a perfect love and a perfect relationship afterward is mind blowing.

If then the realization of God's love is truly comprehended, there will be a yearning to please him and to follow his way. It will not be hard to show how to follow, because the ultimate example can be found in the Bible in Jesus Christ, the God-Man. Not only did we receive a blueprint on how to be adults but also how to be children. Honoring our parents, being about the Father's business, teaching God's way, and so on.

God has on many occasions proven himself to be a fair, and merciful parent. In this case, God has given us incentive in a promise. Exodus 20:12 is one of the Ten Commandments in which God specifically tells children to honor their parents so as to receive long days from the Lord. Parents are one of the first gifts to children and should be cherished and respected. It is a sign of respect toward God as if to say thank you directly to honor and respect them.

Part of the foundation of a child's  relationship with God must be understanding his infinite unconditional love toward us, as best as it can be explained. The importance of the Bible and God's promises must be taught. If “Because I said so” can be a powerful phrase, image saying “Because God says so”...and it having an impact!

It is said that we are the sum total of our life's experiences. So, let us not waste our time or our children's time. The sooner we teach them about following God, the sooner they will recognize true peace and fulfillment, that the world will never understand or be able to contain. Come what may, but God will bless a child with a steadfast faith and those who instilled it!

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