Sunday, May 1, 2016

Boldly before the Throne: Mercy

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7

Mercy can be described as pity toward those who are in lack, or under strain. Mercy could also be a withholding of punishment or justifying action against someone of opposition. For a Divine or Heavenly explanation, Psalm 103:10 states,"He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our inequities." In other words, God does not treat us as our sins deserve, and our sins bestow upon us a penalty of death. But instead, God offers mercy and an opportunity to engage in and continue a close relationship with him. We should heed Scripture and "Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful." (Luke 6:36) We should follow God and do for others as He does for us- giving mercy and becoming merciful.

Songs of Mercy

King   David showed evidence that even though he was a great warrior, and king, he humbled himself before God. As made known in his praises of Psalms, and in his life story in general, there were many reasons for David in particular to do so, but one specifically- mercy. Even toward the end of his days, David acknowledges God's mercy and tenderness. He actually preferred to deal with God in  light of his transgressions, because he knew in his heart that God is a merciful God, and "His mercies are great." Man, however, especially in that day and time, was not as inclined to be so forgiving. (2 Samuel 24:14)

Back in his time of Psalm writing (Psalm 51), David recognized and asked for God's mercy. He realized his fault and infirmities, all the while knowing how forgiving God is and that He, in His "tender mercies" could "blot out [my] transgressions." As God did with David, so also will He do for us. God's mercy can be described as an undeserved pity given to us by our Creator. God knows that we are undeserving, but in spite of this, because of His loved toward us, decides to help us, and bless us, and grow us though we are broken and imperfect. This phenomenal gift is God's mercy. In order to receive this amazing gift we must go boldly before the throne.

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