Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Christian Pillars: Prayer

Prayer, as mentioned before, is the Christians way of communicating with God. It is such a privilege to be able to come to our All-Powerful Creator and not only talk to Him, but to have Him hear us! By acknowledging and accepting what Jesus did for us by way of sacrifice, we have been given this wonderful gift- an opportunity to have a personal relationship with the Father and call Him "my God!"

"The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather change the nature of the one who prays."
Soren Kierkgaard

Examine Your Heart
All we who are born-again believers have access to direct communication with God. This direct communication, or prayer, is made possible by having our sin, which denies our access, washed away. This in essence, makes us not guilty and therefore with prayer a relationship is established with God. There is no limit to life when prayer is included. And while prayer is the best and most sure coarse of action, when trying to obtain something or have a request made, it should be geared more toward what we can do for God as opposed to what God can do for us. True, He said "Ask and ye shall receive..." (Matthew 7:7), but before we make requests, perhaps we should examine our hearts and confirm that our wants coincide with what God wants for us in accordance to His will and His way. If that is not the case, then maybe we are praying the wrong prayer, with the wrong intentions, at the wrong time. Before we pray, we should make sure that our hearts are in the right place with good intentions,faith, and a correspondence with what God wants for our lives and not what we want for ourselves.

There are proper ways of coming to the Lord God in prayer. We must call Him in truth (Psalm 145:18) and He will be nigh. "Draw nigh unto God, and He will draw nigh unto you: cleanse your hands ye sinners, and purify your hearts ye double-minded." Mark 11:25-26 speaks to the thought of forgiving and in turn having God forgive you. This verse among others explain that with every action that we take to be closer to God, He will reciprocate. Einstein's famous third theory of motion as we all know says,"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."In a Heavenly context, Our Father who is perfect, and holy, and pure, and gracious, and merciful...will hear us. And from that point He can be " a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," a healer of land and forgiver of sin for those who humble themselves, pray, and seek Him. This may require us to literally stop and take time to confer with ourselves. And after this necessary partaking, and we have have confirmed our good intentions and desire to correspond with God's will and way, it is immensely imperative that we proceed to communicate with God with a base of strong faith. We must believe that there is a God, that He hears us, and that if it be His will He will answer our requests. And while faith carries much power, "faith without works is dead."..............

The next Installment in this "Christian Pillars" Series will address faith and works. 

Thank you to all readers of any material from The Deception and the Truth Ministry. Thank you to family, friends, blood or otherwise. Also a special thank you to all those reading from other countries. The Deception and the Truth is not one person...it's us! Thank you again and God Bless!

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