Sunday, March 6, 2016

Think On These Things (pt 1)

Think On These Things

Those things that are of true importance are not those of the physical but those of the spiritual. We must see past the the carnal and tangible and see past what is of the flesh.In order to see, we must think and understand. And in order to think and understand, we must study to know in our minds. But beyond knowing in our minds, we must also, and perhaps more importantly, know in our hearts. I believe that the key to the soul is linked to the heart. Whatever is in our heart is a reflection of the direction of our souls. The things that we focus on will define us. 

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8-9

The above passage gives us an excellent road map toward the path that Jesus took. It gives us a list of things to think on. The author of this passage, the apostle Paul, lived this and is teaching us through such. Before when he was Saul, he gave in to the worlds wickedness, lies, and non-virtuous ways, only to "have his eyes opened" to the fact that the wrong road will lead you to Hell, but the way of Jesus will lead to God's glory and peace.

When all is said and done, those things that are corruptible and privy to decay will, in regards to eternity, fail us. But those things that are of God will set our soul on a coarse toward salvation through cleansing. Jesus sacrificed His life to give this to us. He only asks that we follow Him and do as He did. Turning away from decay, and heading toward a new path of life which guarantees growth. Nothing will be able to take this new path and growth from you because He who gave it loves you and would never take it away. Take a moment to pause and truly think about it. Jesus loved, died, and in turn gave...eternal life!

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