Saturday, December 13, 2014


You and your life have value. This holds to be true because Jesus Christ made it so. We have all equally come short of God's glory because we are sinners but Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us all to become valuable. And he did so because of love. An unconditional love that had no boundaries and no special circumstances. Because His love is unconditional and without boundaries we should not hold boundaries to ourselves. Because we are valuable in the sight of God already through the sacrifice of Jesus, we should not depend on what others say to us or what others consider us to be to give us worth or value.
What we possess and what actions we have taken does not determine our worth. Good deeds do not increase my worth. The use of foul language or the consumption of alcoholic beverages does not diminish my worth. Having a certain body shape or certain physical attributes does not increase or diminish value. Past life experiences, misguided decisions made- none of these things determine value. But it is Jesus that determines our value.
My value comes from my acceptance of what Jesus did for me and my life in correlation with my repentance from the things that caused Him to be sacrificed in the first place. I am by no means perfect and in some ways I am no better than I was before, but healing is a process, change is a process, Christianity is a process on a path that I have chosen to take for myself. We are special because we are valuable to God and not because someone else says that we are. And no one can take that away from us.