Saturday, November 22, 2014

Christian Legacy: Greater In God

Life is about legacy. A Christian legacy is the sum total of the good that you have done for God, and others. No matter where you've been or where you are, there is no better time than the present to make life greater. Greater for yourself and greater for others. This can be achieved by anyone. Even in times of trial, a simple smile can go a long way. Something minute such as an action of seemingly no immediate value may help someone else. Do the math.

Legacy is part of God's plan for our life. If there seems to be distance from God it is not because He walked away, but rather it is because we walked away. But by grace, God does not hold a grudge. He is there to help us. All we have to do is take His hand and walk in faith with Him. He knows the plans that He has for our lives (there is a plan for everyone) and for we who believe in Him and the power in simply saying His name, He desires abundant prosperity(Jeremiah 29:11). He is Great and can make our lives even greater than what they are now. "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4) which means having God makes us greater than anything that is outside of ourselves.

We must leave a mark on the world. What will yours be? Hopefully it will be one that shows that you are hand in hand with God and His ways. A life that reflects the search to adhere to the ways of Jesus Christ. For it is He and He alone who is the Way the Truth and the Life. He is the only way to the Father. And with that access to to the Father we have unlimited access to power from the Creator; therefore, we obtain access to anything in existence that will assist us toward the achievements of an appropriate legacy to be left behind.

Our legacy should be a building block for others. Whether or not we try to leave a legacy, one will be left. So it is very important that we leave a legacy that is constructive and not destructive, focusing energies on those things that will build us as they may be the very things to build another. Perhaps important so because the inverse is true in the way of destruction. We are meant to grow in God and help others do so as well. That which is of God, is that which will build us up and make us greater, and through us make others greater, and through them make the world greater. Legacy.