Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Deception and the Truth

The deceiver is powerful. He has used his power to toppled many who have fought in yet the same fight as we- life. Breaking us down at our base for he knows that to do so will cause all else to experience his chaos and havoc with no falter and cause even the slightest of pressures to collapse the mind with the greatest of ease. Strong morals, Christian-based integrity and all characteristics of the same sort seem nill toward the cause of keeping a sound mind. But you MUST. Keep unto you a sound mind, for to do it not is to condemn your legacy and life's work to be tainted at the leisure of the dark one. Be heavy in your discernment, for too light a consideration in all matters leaves the doors to deception opened wide. Be sure to discern not only firmly, but most importantly, in the Spirit of God. As it is glorious to have sound mind and a compassionate heart, they both remain succeptable to the swift snares of the deceiver flung toward us liken to a dark arrow dipped in the lies and untruths devised by he who would desire nothing more than to see us fall. Perhaps doing so by the convincing offer which causes one to covet the bitter taste as though it were sweet, creating an addiction for the forbidden. The offer to be human. The offer to feel satiation where there is depravity; sight when blind, shade when scorched, speach when dumb. It is greatly pertinent to stay in and of oneself and remember that he, the deceiver is just that. Commit this to memory and forget it not, for he surely won't.
For as much strenghth that the deceiver has or rather would have it appear to be pressed upon you, it is not the will of the Father that you should fall. For this world and all thereof is His. By His hand was all made and by His Love it is HE, and not the deceiver, who has claim of us. He is the Truth. He is Love. He is Good. Therefore as He reaches to us we should seek for Him that we might receive Him. And thereunto, receive we Truth, Love, and Goodness. All these be the true desires of the heart. Upon these be the determining factors of ones rise or fall. Be ye drawn to them all together for the lack of solidarity is as the cooking pot being denied the stir if the spoon. For whatsoever ye are in search of actively, that shall one become even if only during the search. Where your focus is, there will your map be drawn to follow. But in all things seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Surely, abundantly, pressed down, and overflowing.
All things of darkness are so due to the lack of something, and light is the presence of. Where there is Light no darkness can be. Darkness is weakened in the presence of Light.